Deepika Padukone’s soon to release Kochadaiiyaan starring opposite Rajneekanth seems to have some vocal problems. You must be wondering about some technical difficulties, right? NO, but the reason is something very different. Deepika seems be too busy to take out time for the superstar Rajnikanth too.
At the start we got the news that Deepika’s Tamil version of voice for this animated film was dubbed by sound artiste Savita Reddy, since she didn’t have the proper south Indian accent. But, this dubbing gave mouth to the news that accused Deepika of having dubbed her Chennai Express accent too. The leggy beauty banished all these rumors and said that it she was trained carefully at that time to get into that accent.
Anyways this dubbing southern version is quite acceptable, but the news doesn’t stop here and we get to know that the diva won’t be dubbing the hindi version too. Thanks to Deepika’s very busy schedule that she can’t dub for her own Hindi part of Kochadaiiyann with the superstars. It has been confirmed that sound artiste Mona Ghosh Shetty has voiced for Deeepika in this film.
Seems Deepika fan won’t be able to hear her voice for this movie and will have to satisfy themselves with this bala’s acting.