After Priyanka Chopra and Anushka Sharma now its the turn of Deepika Padukone to endorse some female scooters. So she is now the brand ambassador of Yamaha scooters.
There is no doubt that in urban and rural demand of these kind of scooters are increasing in many folds. More and more ladies are using this scooters for their daily traveling and hence Deepika, Priyanka or Anushka is the best person to endorse these kind of female bikes.
Here is the launching video as well -
There is no doubt that in urban and rural demand of these kind of scooters are increasing in many folds. More and more ladies are using this scooters for their daily traveling and hence Deepika, Priyanka or Anushka is the best person to endorse these kind of female bikes.
Here is the launching video as well -